Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines

Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines

Why are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Does the state possess information that others lack? Discover the ban’s true justification by reading on.

The main reason for this is the no-lead law, which forbids the sale of uncertified and untested water filters.

Please read on for more detailed information.

Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California?

Despite Berkey water filters’ high levels of efficiency, California has outlawed their importation, sale, and distribution within its borders. The main reason for the ban is:

State Regulations

The AB 1953 law, SB 1395, and HSC Section 116875 were all passed by California in 2009. The term “no-lead law” is used to describe this regulation.’ The enactment and implementation of this law saw many Berkey water filters fail to meet the set standards of being sold in the state of California until it is third-party certified by an ANSI/NSF-approved, independent company that confirms the unit is “lead-free”, thus locking them out of the California market.

According to the law, any appliance used to dispense water for drinking or cooking must be certified by an impartial third party and given the go-ahead from the appropriate government agency. Therefore, even though the company asserts that its water filters are the most effective, it still needs approval from other parties, which the company has not obtained.

The products have, however, been subjected to tests, albeit not in a capacity where the company was involved.

Why Doesn’t the Company Do the Tests?

On its website, Berkey claims that the tests it “has conducted” for the certifications required by the state of California “are much more rigorous than those required by NSF.”‘ Additionally, they make their test results public and accessible to all customers on their website.

The company stands to gain if it enters the sizable California market, but there is a significant problem. A company must disclose information about its manufacturing and other production systems under the recently passed law. The business believes that such a move carries a high risk, and that if its rivals learn about it, it will suffer numerous losses. Additionally, maintaining and obtaining the necessary certifications is expensive.

Additionally, Berkey water filters have been copied, though none of the imitators have been as successful as the originals, which increases the credibility of the company’s offerings.

Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines
Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines

How to Get Berkey Water Filters in California?

Berkey Systems can be found in California! It’s important to remember, though, that California has established rules governing the sale of indoor water systems, and those rules must be adhered to.

According to these regulations, any indoor water treatment system sold in California must first be approved by an independent, third-party testing organization, such as NSF/ANSI, before it can be deemed appropriate for sale in the state. Berkey has been tested independently by third-party labs and found to greatly exceed NSF/ANSI criteria (see Berkey test results).

In order to obtain and maintain certification with California after obtaining NSF/ANSI or another comparable independent certification, the act also compels businesses to make outrageous expenditures and disclose sensitive information. Finally, they have determined that it is currently not possible for Berkey to offer its larger Indoor systems in California due to the additional taxes, certifications, and red tape. By eliminating unnecessary costs and achieving test results that far exceed NSF/ANSI requirements, we are able to offer the Berkey System and products at the most affordable price.

A General Guide on Purchasing Water Filters

Although Berkey water filters are among the best available, if you’re unable to find the model you want, this guide will help you select the best water filtration system, regardless of whether Berkey is your preferred brand.

Here are questions you should ask before investing in a water filtration system:

  • Are the water filter’s NSF certification and independent testing results available?
  • What is the source of your water? The need for a filter with more capabilities arises from the possibility that some water sources are more contaminated than others.
  • Which system and capacity do the water filters have? To meet your needs, you should pick a filter that is strong.
  • How many people are there in the house? There is a maximum number of users that water filters can handle. You must select a larger filter (and/or change your filter) as the number of users increases.
  • This is by far the most important factor: what is your budget? In order to help you make the best choice, you should balance your budget with other considerations.

There are two types of Berkey water filters that you can buy, but it is impossible to find all of them in Californian stores. The only way to obtain additional Berkey models is to leave California or order the water filter online and have it delivered to a location outside of California.

Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines
Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California? Basic Guidelines

What to Know About Berkey’s California-friendly Systems

The Berkey Light and Travel Berkey systems are nearly identical to the regular Berkey water filter systems, despite not requiring the lead-free certification per Californian regulations. Here is some background information on each of them.

Berkey Light

The Berkey Light is currently Outdoor drinking water filtration system from Berkey that is portable and light. It has two of Berkey’s filter elements and is made of BPA-free plastic. At a slightly lower cost than other Berkey water filter systems, this system is one of the best for small budgets – and there are no regulations here that technically say you have to use it outside. It is available in many different standard sizes and is capable of removing a wide range of contaminants, including pathogenic bacteria. Both well and municipal water can be used with it.

Travel Berkey

The Travel Berkey is a stainless steel outdoor water filter system that is heavier and a little more durable. The holding capacity of this item, which is slightly more expensive, is 5.7 liters. Again, the Travel Berkey filters both well and city water, getting rid of pathogenic bacteria, lead, chlorine, and other contaminants.

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So, Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in California?

Although 49 states in the United States can use Berkey’s thorough testing, residents of California cannot currently use it.

The state of California requires businesses to pay significant fees to obtain and maintain state of California certification after obtaining NSF certification.

They’ve finally come to the conclusion that the additional fees, certifications, and bureaucracy have made it impossible for their business to sell its goods in California.


Are Berkey Water Filters Safe?

Since the Berkey water filter removes more than 99.9% of harmful bacteria and reduces viruses by 99.9%, it is categorized as a water purifier. The Berkey filter does this without the use of chemicals like iodine or chlorine, as well.

Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned in Iowa?

The system must first be certified by a dependable third-party testing organization, like NSF/ANSI. Third-party laboratories have independently evaluated Berkey; the results are available here.
Second, companies must pay substantial fees and disclose sensitive information in order to obtain and maintain accreditation in Iowa. Similar to how they have in California, additional taxes, certificates, and bureaucracy have made it too difficult to market our Berkey Systems in Iowa. All filters and accessories, however, are available in Iowa.

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